Day 20 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program: Exciting News!

Day 20 at the Midnight Mission:
Exciting News!

Today, Day 20 of my time here at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program I have accomplished a long time goal of mine. I am overcome with gratitude and thank the Gods and "Those Who Watch Over Me In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust" for the amazing services offered at the Midnight Mission of Los Angeles. The opportunities that have been given to me and that continue to unfold have been so overwhelmingly generous in more ways than one.

There is something that is said at the recovery groups AA and NA (Alchoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous) that I really didn't think too much abofut till now. They say that if you are at a meeting you are in the least, "Sane, Safe, and more than likely Sober." Just to have a space that offeres all three of these exoperiances is such a blessing, So much so I was able to stay clean, motivasted and inspired to continue forth in my personal growth.

Today a huge landmark in that personal growth has been realized. I share that with you in this video. I tried to explain more but towards the end I was feeling so grateful and so happy that I could not continue without bawling my eyes out so the video cuts out. However, I feel it works in message of gratitude, hope and fulfillment that this program at the Midnight Mission, the "Break It To Make It" program at LACC (Los Angeles City College), and the love and support of my dad, my family, my friends and my brothers at the mission have brought me. I consider this to be a great day!

I hope my story can go on to motivate and inspire those in similar situations.

If you are interested in recovery or any other services offered here at the Midnight Mission in Downtown Los Angeles, you can come visit the mission itself and talk with the friendly staff at:

601 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CA 90014

You can also visit the website by clicking here:The Midnight Mission Los Angeles


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