Day 62 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program: "Then and Now: I Am on My Way"

Day 62 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program "Then and Now: I Am on My Way" From being jobless, hopeless and full of drugs, to being sober, clean, on work therapy and full of life! It's been quite the rollercoaster 🎢. Here's a little writing I have been inspired, at this moment, to put down: I have been in the valley of death; I am climbing the mountain to a better life. The potential to fall is real, the slope is slippery, but my will and my spirit is stronger than it has been in just a year ago today. 🌄⭐🙏 Change is real but it takes work. Faith without works is dead. Thoughts and feelings are meaningless without action. I thank Spirit, the God of my understanding, for working in my life and granting me the answer to my pitiful prayers. ❤️ I look back at this person of a year ago, I see things I recognize but there are parts I do not. I can't say I'm different, it's only been 2 months, but I can say that a change is taking place. Slowly, but surely...