Random Thoughts | Contemplating Extraterrestrial Encounters: A Critical Perspective


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Contemplating Extraterrestrial Encounters: A Critical Perspective

I found myself engrossed in contemplation about the concept of aliens – not the undocumented immigrants, but rather the stellar, otherworldly entities. Our perceptions of these potential visitors often oscillate between various extremes:

  • Viewed as formidable conquerors.
  • Seen as benevolent yet aloof allies.
  • Depicted as alluring figures donning tight suits with imposing weaponry (cue the Nova Glimmer character). Cough Yes, well...
In my opinion, these notions are rather flawed. Fantasizing about how advanced beings with interstellar capabilities might approach us seems egotistical and presumptuous. Are we truly remarkable enough to entice them to risk navigating the perils of space, followed by potential exposure to unfamiliar ecosystems carrying diseases and viruses alien to their kind? Imagine if "War of the Worlds" happened today – COVID-19 might just obliterate those extraterrestrial beings. This thought leads me to believe that any advanced alien species, aware of our existence, would wisely choose to avoid us.

Occasionally, we hear tales of encounters with space-faring beings, but the individuals these aliens allegedly abduct raise serious doubts about our collective character. These abductees often seem questionable in their moral fiber and unreliable in their cognitive functions. It dawned on me that, from the perspective of an advanced race with space travel capabilities, we resemble the Neanderthals of our genetic makeup. While some may boast about technological advancements and the fear of automation, I'm reminded of our seemingly primitive habits, like using paper to clean ourselves – not much different from wiping with leaves or tree bark.

Considering our supposed advancements, the fact that we still dispatch specialized teams to clear sewer blockages caused by "flushable wipes" makes me question our claim to sophistication. The destruction of habitats, driving species to extinction, all for the sake of turning oxygen-supplying trees into thin tissues for wiping, paints a grim picture. It reflects the actions of a species that, despite evolving technologically, remains fundamentally irrational and, dare I say, foolish.

In the grand scheme, our collective behavior resembles that of a species on the brink of self-destruction. We invest in creating nearly intelligent robots, yet we cling to archaic methods of personal hygiene. It's perplexing that, despite our ancestral history of excretion, we haven't devised a more advanced solution than wiping with what essentially amounts to pulverized tree corpses. If confronted by superior beings, they might well declare, "Highly evolved? More like, 'retardedly doomed'."

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