Tarot Moment | January 23, 2024 at 10:32pm

Screen Shot Taken from Tarot.com 
Interpretation by Kyle


10:32 pm

Tarot Moment

Q: What action can I take at this point in my recovery that will open the door to finding the stability that I crave yet can never really achieve?

Deck: Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck


1.       Situation: Page of Wands

2.       Challenges: The Lovers #6

3.       Advice: The Fool #0/22

4.       Daily Lesson: 6 of Swords

5.       Near Future: 6 of Wands

Spread: Bridge Spread

Spread Scan:

-          2 Wand cards

-          2 Major Arcana cards

-          1 Swords card

-          (3) #6 cards: The Lovers #6 Trump of Gemini, 6 of Swords, 6 of Wands

-          1 Court Card

-          Missing: Earth/pentacles and Water/cups


1: Situation – Page of WandsEarth of Fire – "The Candle is what I like to call this court card, it’s the messenger of creative ambition. Court cards often represent people but, in this reading, I feel the page of wands represents myself, regarding the question the situation I am in calls for me to act to my ambition. Wands represent the element of fire, an action-based element. Not only that but fire represents our will power, our inspiration and our spiritual drive. Pages are not only messengers, but they are students, I find myself in a situation in which my recovery needs more action to align with my recovery particularly in my spirituality. I feel this card indicates that action towards a spiritual practice will benefit me in my search for stability. Prayer, Meditation, Devotional, and Pathworking, perhaps taking my studies to of such things from mere readings to actual experimentation would be better suited that simply researching in the intellectual aspect.

2: ChallengesThe Lovers #6Trump of Gemini – “Choices and Compromise” as well as “Relationships” – A relationship is a constant compromise, the challenge here I feel is that I will have to make the choice in relationships with other and relationship with myself. Compromise is something I’ve never been able to balance out, leaning towards to benefit of others rather than myself. I have difficulties in saying “no” as well in setting healthy boundaries. I can often be far too willing to compromise my own happiness and liberty in favor of another person’s, this has eventually led me to feeling resentment though it is my own fault for not being upfront with my feelings. The other key aspect of this card being the trump of Gemini is communication. The key to any healthy and strong relationship relies heavily on trust and for trust to be established communication is key. For a relationship to last there must be communication instead of deception. This goes both ways of course but also communication with myself/higher self must also be established. If I cannot communicate my own wants and needs to myself, then how can I possibly be able to communicate them to another? To put in the terms of love I would quote an idol of mine Ru Paul, “If you can’t love yourself, then how in the hell can you love somebody else?”

3: Advice - The Fool #0/22 – The advice of this card is to remain free, to not be tied down to assumptions nor by fear. The reason the fool is seen as naive and “foolish” is due to his ability to be fearless in the face of challenges, instead seeing them as an adventure rather than as burdens. He has unyielding and unspoiled faith in the goodness of life and can take risks with an open heart and pure spirit. Spontaneity and change hare easy for the fool due to his strong faith. In this spread the fool faces to the left (our more unconventional self is represented in the left side symbolically speaking) and is physically facing the situation (page of wands) as well as the challenges (the lovers). I interpret this in that the situation represented by the page of wands, “to take action to a spiritual practice towards my recovery”, is first and foremost where my faith and my spirit needs more freedom and perhaps more “openness”, this I take from the position of the cards, the page being closest to the fool. I interpret the position of the lovers being after the page of wands (the situation) to indicate that my challenges with relationships is secondary to my need for action towards a spiritual practice, that perhaps by focusing mainly on my own recovery’s spiritual wellbeing will ultimately benefit my relationship with others but more importantly my relationship with myself/higher self.

4. Daily Lesson 6 of Swords – the 6 of swords as a daily lesson is indicating that there is a shift from turbulent waters to calmer waters. The journey is represented as moving from rough rapids towards smooth sailing, yet this is not a water/cups card (cups representing emotions) this is an air/swords card (swords representing thoughts) thus though the rapids and turbulent waters have passed or have transitioned to calmer and smoother sailing, the memories and “lessons” from the troubling journey are what’s being emphasized by the 6 swords in the boat. I notice that these swords are sticking out of the boat, yet they have not punctured the hull, nor do they seem to be heavy and tipping the boat they merely are there, they are not effecting the physical world but by the depiction of the people whose faces are hidden and their body language reads as though they are sullen, deep in thought, reflecting on whatever scenario they have ventured from, tells me that these swords (positioned in front of them) are the lingering thoughts/memories of the troubles they have faced. A bright side to this card is that in the distance a faint silhouette of a marvelous city is before them. They may not notice it yet but if they stay the course, they will eventually reach this new city and perhaps be able to carry on a new life, regardless of the memories that linger from their troubled past. The lesson here is of self-acceptance and forgiveness of self. The choice is to either be defeated by our past or look beyond them and instead focus on the new land/ new life before us.

5. Near Future6 of Wands – “Victory” – This card indicates a time of recognition usually in the aspect of enterprise or of one’s personal self-progress. If this is to be interpreted regarding the question of what action to take at this point in my recovery to achieve the stability, I crave then surely this card is a good sign that victory is near yet again this is a wands/fire card, meaning that victory is only achieved through action. The action that leads to victory is in service to the community as the card depicts a leader of troops coming back from a battle (or going into battle), the leader and his troops are being celebrated for their service. Victory, as with most other aspects of success id fully reliant on the veneration and recognition of others, of a community. To be of service is to act towards the common welfare of those we are in fellowship with, and by proxy, ourselves. As I’ve heard many wiccan elders say, “Take care of self, see self everywhere” meaning that to be of service we must serve ourselves, take care of ourselves to take care of others and its not a linear thing it’s a process that’s in constant flux. To take care of self helps us recognize ourselves within those of our community thus compassion and understanding then takes place further strengthening the bond of community and the sense of purpose within the individual.  I interpret this further to indicate that within the near future (often meaning within the next couple of days or so), I will be able to achieve a sense of victory if I bring the needed action towards a spiritual practice that will ultimately strengthen my faith in the goodness of life there by nourishing my wellbeing which will extend to areas of my life including my relationships with myself and others, by learning to also see beyond past mistakes and not binding myself to doubt and fear in such areas of my recovery particularly concerning working towards a spiritual practice or challenges of love/friendship that I can achieve the victory of stability which lies in taking action in service to myself and my community. 


The virtual cards featured in this post were courtesy of tarot.com and the deck images are from the Morgan-Greer Tarot. Check the resource links below for more information.

- Tarot.com

- The Morgan-Greer Tarot Deck

Click here for more info on this deck

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