What Is Magick? | The Definition and The Basic Information

What Is Magick



Presented by Kyle Is Online! 

 What Is Magick?

*Note*: You will see me spell magic with a k, in fact, it is part of the tradition of occultists, witches, and the magickal community to spell magick this way to differentiate between make-believe magick found in popular media and stage magic which is of the more sleight-of-hands type, illusionist skills for entertainment. Not being the kind of powers we find in the movies or video games, and not of the respected art of prestidigitation, magick is the spelling for the religio-spiritual, metaphysical art and science. 

Magick Defined

Aleister Crowley, a famous occultist and ceremonial magician, laid out a fine definition of what magick is that many in the occult community (myself included) use to this day. 

Magick = “The art and science of causing change to occur in accordance with one’s Will.”

Infamous occultist Aleister Crowley poses for a camera in full blown ceremonial regula. Aleister Crowley was a member of the mysterious Golden Dawn, a magickal order popular in the 1920's. Crowley would go on to start his own order called Thelema, which is still active today.

There are many other definitions of course but this is perhaps the most concise and it is the standard definition taught to new seekers. New students who have yet to commit to any training or study regimen are known as seekers, ones who are looking for answers in the mystical (seeking hidden knowledge, if you will.)

Today, it has become quite fashionable, even popular, to want to learn this ancient discipline. This was not always the case. Not so long ago many in our communities were badly treated and persecuted for learning the esoteric. Many had to conceal what they were studying and this is how many of our secret codes, ancient symbols, and wizard markings came to be. 

Magickal Alphabet and Codes

Theban, The Witch's Alphabet

The Theban alphabet is a writing system, in particular a substitution cipher of the Latin alphabet, used by early modern occultists and popular in the Wicca movement. Learn more here: (Theban alphabet - Wikipedia)

Sweet Modern Tools:

The Neutral Nature

This is a revolutionary and interesting time to be alive in this realm. People have discovered the truth that the occult is not evil, but it is a type of tool. Spellcraft is no more evil than a hammer or a wrench. Sure, each of these tools can be used maliciously but it's not the intention of the tool that holds the responsibility for its misuse but rather the intention of the one wielding said tool improperly. 

 Therefore, magick is neither evil nor is it totally harmless, but as with the hammer, and the wrench, magick is neutral. Having the capacity to be beneficial but also the same exact capacity to be malevolent. The truth lies in the intention of the caster. 

Know Your Intention, Have a Clear Reason or Burning Desire

 This is your first key then my dear new seeker!


In magick, the intention is everything.

 If we just impulsively cast a spell without the configuration of a solid intention, it would be comparable to using a handgun to fish. In fact, if we were to utilize magick without a clear need, or definite care about the outcome, you could very well have success but it would be an undefined success. 

 More likely you would have only a partial success because you only had a partial desire and gave only a partial investment in the casting of the spell. 

 Alternatively, yet with the same degree of probability, you could have success but it would not be in a beneficial manner, or it would come with a devastating outcome. Those who read the foreboding tale of The Monkey's Paw in grade school will know the lesson that our words and intentions must be in sync. To arrogantly wield a mysterious power will bring only the worst of results.

 The Monkey's Paw

For example, taken from the story of The Monkey's Paw, you could cast a spell for money, a large sum of money at that but do so without clear intention, you do it quickly and haphazardly, not putting the time into forming your words properly. You then get word that a close loved one has died horrifically and you are now the beneficiary of their wealth and estate. Sure you got results, but see what reckless treatment of magick gets you? 

 If you had a clear intention and actually connected with the universal flow to work out a clear and definite desire, you could've had a beneficial result without the devastating outcome of your loved one dying for you to gain the money. 

The lesson here is as imperative as it is simple. To carelessly wield this ancient and powerful tool would be far more devastating in what you would gain than if you were to take the time to properly work out your desire as well as invest in the proper steps to ensure a successful magickal working.

 You see there are not really rules but there are cosmic principles that the universe upholds automatically and many of them are for maintaining and creating the universe itself. 

Keep the balance

 Morality is more of a personal issue, the universe could care less about your chosen standards of ethics. However, the universe does take great calculations and has several fail safes in place to ensure the only thing that the universe does care for, and that is balance. Without balance the whole universal mechanism and the guiding force that simultaneously creates and maintains it would collapse. 

Take note here my dear new seeker, it would be wise to remember that one can not stand in the way of Nature’s special brand of Justice, or perhaps the better term would be Nature’s “Recalibration”. To attempt to stand in the way of the calibrating forces of the cosmos would be likened to a flea crawling up an elephant's leg with the intention of rape! Never forget the balancing factor then, and your magickal workings should be of greater success.

Essential Knowledge for Effective Spells and Successful Rituals

Before we can cast a spell or construct a ritual some necessary preliminary understandings and practices must take place for our spells to have a consistent accuracy in manifesting our intent. To cover this I will describe to you what is known as the Witch's Pyramid. There are 4 corners to a 3-dimensional pyramid, these can be seen as the four foundational points and so they are in this regard. They are the needed ingredients, if you will, of an effective spell casting, they are assigned an element and cardinal point of the compass to correspond with said element's quality.

The Witch's Pyramid

The Four Foundational Points: 

  • -To Know, East, Air

  • -To Have Desire, South, Fire 

  • -To Dare, West, Water 

  • -To Keep Silent, North, Earth 

The Top Point Of The Pyramid

 There are many, myself included, who would state that there is a 5th point which the four are the foundation to, the top point of the pyramid which is known as the Quintessence also called Spirit, This is To Believe. We will go over each of the four points as well as this fifth point in some detail and then how we can apply this in our own magical workings to ensure success. 

To Know 

Having knowledge of magick and its basic operations is of course paramount to having magickal power at all. If we do not learn and attain knowledge in our workings then we simply can not perform any rites whatsoever. This is why studying, reading cherishing knowledge, and acquiring wisdom are often cherished by witches and occultists alike. It is through study that we understand the world and ourselves better and can apply our knowledge to address the challenges and issues we face that one might need to cast a spell for. Through studying this book you are enacting this principle "To Know", like the other four points of the pyramid it is an ingredient that will always have to be maintained if we are to grow in magickal power. Learn your magick, study your materials, and know your power.

To Desire

Desire is the spark, the force of will, it is the all-encompassing burning need, the creative force that empowers our spells and brings their purpose, generating their manifestation. Understanding how much you can power your spell and how to hone it to a single laser precise point is our willpower, and this fuels the intention of your magickal spell. 

The more we put into a spell, be it a simple candle spell or an elaborate ritual complete with sections and theatrical components, the better the results of our spell through the energy we pack into it. 

When you cast a spell, do so with great care, and feel your desire with your entire being. Burn with your desire and focus that desire into your intention and your spell is sure to be successful. 

To Dare

When describing a person who is "daring", what qualities come to mind? Someone who engages in decisive action to achieve results. Not one who second guesses themselves. Doubt will kill the spell before you even start! Daring also means understanding your responsibility for the results and any consequences that may manifest with your actions. Believe in yourself, believe in your creative powers, and in your choices to use them. 

To dare is to feel confidence in our abilities, backed by our knowledge of the craft and our desire for change.

 To Keep Silent

Do not discuss your magic with anyone who is not on the same vibe or is not working with you toward the same goal. If you are a solitary practitioner, this means you keep it to yourself. Remaining silent after working is imperative and often is the factor that will make or break your spell's success. 

In today's day and age, everyone likes to share and discuss almost every aspect of life social media, and the Advent of communication technology. However, this is counterintuitive to your workings mainly to discuss your spell after you have cashed it is to open it up to whoever you're discussing with this person to opening up your work it's not at the same time as you or hands altering opinions even has down as to your success in your magical endeavor this can jeopardize spell. 

Simple doubt transference is an excellent example of how speaking with one who's not invested in your workings can ultimately undermine it. They doubt it and show doubt in your spell, which affects you and consequently, you may start worrying if your spell will be successful or not. That worrying is self-sabotage.

Bringing too much attention to our freshly casted spells by overly discussing them, or even being on a constant lookout for the expected results leads to a trap that many beginners fall into. The phenomenon is known as "a lust for results". Listing for results will cancel, short circuit, or even dissipate a spell before it can manifest. We have to give the working time to germinate, to incubate, and to grow.

 Constantly talking about something is a good way to kill it in our subconscious mind because our subconscious is trying to work with what we have tasked it to do. If we keep pulling it back with our conscious mind and our speech, our subconscious will ultimately give up or become confused about the original intent it has been charged to accomplish. Better than to hold our tongue, resist the ego-driven need to bring attention to our magickal workings, and let the magic naturally come to fruition. 

Don’t talk about your magic before, during, or after until you’ve seen the results. Only then, may you do so, but still be discerning and careful of the mystery to which you speak. 

Follow Through

Another step that determines the success of a spell which is often ignored or not discussed enough, is having follow through.

 By this, I mean taking a physical action to increase the spell's probability of success. For example, if you were to cast a spell to get a job but afterwards do nothing but sit on the couch then the probability of you achieving that result is greatly diminished. Spellcraft is probability enhancement, but if you do not take the necessary actions to assist that spell, then the probability becomes less effective towards your intention. 

Going to our example if you were to cast a spell for a job and side that you don't need too much more effort and just sit at home, the probability of somebody just randomly knocking on your door to offer you a job is less likely to occur. if we remember the Balance Factor we know that spellcraft works with the natural order and nature is always going to choose the easiest course of action. 

So to ensure the success of your job spell, instead of just sitting on the couch and hoping for that knock on the door, you would have much more success if you instead go online and fill out applications, update your resume, and print it out then hit the pavement passing out your resume and putting in the necessary physical actions to ground your spell into your physical realm. 

Could you achieve the same results by not performing the ritual or spell and just by doing your physical follow-through? Yes of course that could happen however if that was the case then wouldn't you already have a job? Practicing good follow-through is important because it allows the probability enhancement of the spell to be much more successful than if you were to not cast the spell or alternatively if you were to not take part in the follow-through. 

Magick works in tandem with the natural order of things. It will increase the probability of your desire to manifest but only to the degree in which you place yourself within the environment you choose to reside in. 


In Conclusion

These essential teachings and explanations should be enough to help you have a solid foundational understanding of what magic is and how to be successful in achieving your goals through the magical process. If you have any questions please feel free to comment below or to message me directly.

 If you found this article to be helpful and enlightening please let me know in the comments, and you, of course, can show your appreciation by liking it, sharing it to your social media accounts and you can be notified about my next articles and posts by subscribing to my blog or signing up for my email list. 

I hope you have enjoyed reading those articles as much as I have enjoyed writing it for you dear ones. 

Be well and may the wheel turn in your favor!

-- Written by Kyle W. Meek --

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Thank you for reading.

About The Author

KYLE W. MEEK| Freelance Writer & Digital Creator.  

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