Historical Occult Perspectives on the Dark Night of the Soul | Part 3

Let's move on to the third blog post in this series, which will explore the "Historical Occult Perspectives" on the Dark Night of the Soul. Image Source | Created By Author Historical Occult Perspectives on the Dark Night of the Soul To truly appreciate the depth and significance of the Dark Night of the Soul, it's essential to explore how this concept has been viewed within the realm of occult and mystical traditions throughout history. In this blog post, we journey through time to understand the historical perspectives on the Dark Night. Alchemy and the Nigredo Stage In the world of alchemy, the Dark Night of the Soul aligns with the " nigredo " stage. This is the initial phase of the alchemical process, marked by darkness, decay, and disintegration. Alchemists believed that this stage was necessary to break down the impurities of ...