Greek Myths and Shit | Medusa the Gorgon
Medusa the Gorgon - aka Snake Hair Bitch Medusa is perhaps one of the better-known monsters from Greek legends. Defeated by Perseus, son of Zeus and the human princess Danae. Perseus was cock blocking this dude, King Polydictes (quite the name, right?), who wanted to marry his mother, the princess Danae. King Polydictes triple-dog dared Perseus to bring him the head of the ugliest fucking hell bitch he could think of, that being Medusa. Medusa was a gorgon, which means she was part of a fugly family of monsters. She had an evil weave made of living snakes and a stone-cold stare that literally turned mother fuckers into statues. Being Greek, Perseus was quick to accept anything that challenged his masculinity, as the story normally seems to go with these dudes. Toxic masculinity seemed to infect the guys from these legends. But I digress, Perseus was all up for this shit and so decided he was going to cut him a scary-ass hell bitch. He was thankfully aided by his divine ...