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Random Thoughts | Contemplating Extraterrestrial Encounters: A Critical Perspective

  (download this meme below, but might as well read the post first 😏) Contemplating Extraterrestrial Encounters: A Critical Perspective I found myself engrossed in contemplation about the concept of aliens – not the undocumented immigrants, but rather the stellar, otherworldly entities. Our perceptions of these potential visitors often oscillate between various extremes: Viewed as formidable conquerors. Seen as benevolent yet aloof allies. Depicted as alluring figures donning tight suits with imposing weaponry (cue the Nova Glimmer character). Cough Yes, well... In my opinion, these notions are rather flawed. Fantasizing about how advanced beings with interstellar capabilities might approach us seems egotistical and presumptuous. Are we truly remarkable enough to entice them to risk navigating the perils of space, followed by potential exposure to unfamiliar ecosystems carrying diseases and viruses alien to their kind? Imagine if " War of the Worlds " happened today – COVID-

My New Book Is Available on Amazon | "The Protection Stone: Ancient Wisdom and Modern Spells for Holistic Defense"

  Check out my latest book! Now available for a limited time for free on Amazon Books. Click Here For Details Be a Kindle Unlimited subscriber to read this book and many others for free. You will be able to instantly download to any of your devices through the A mazon Kindle App (its free!)

Day 23 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program: Testy Times

 *In the video I say "Day 22", my bad, this video was actually on day 23* Day 23 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program "Testy Times" Part 1 Covid tests, drug Tests, and frustrated brothers, oh my! The reality of recovery That split second thought of using. Today, NA Part 2 Some people are going to fall off. I can't promise anything but to listen. I'm having a hard time with thoughts and physical cravings. Running missions for the Mission Part 3 Looking for a proper sponsor with the right tools to help me. Slow down!  The haunting thoughts. You can't go back, but you can turn around. When God blesses somebody, everyone benefits. Working on yourself sets up the channels for other blessings. The "lay aside" or "set aside" prayer. Putting my trust in the program. Part 4 Just a few more days till my 30 days of sobriety. Thank you for your support. Sharing information. If you are interested in recovery or any of the other services offere

Day 22 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program

Day 22 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program Part 1 Talking to my brother again Trying to be a better brother, a better son, a better uncle Wasn't there for my brother's wedding nor the birth of my nieces. Why was I so absent? Part 2 Still /struggling with thoughts about using. frustrating dreams about using. my subconscious showing me the frustration of using. remembering how using  seemed  fun,  but was it really? If you are interested in recovery or any of the other services offered here at The Midnight Mission in Downtown Los Angeles, you can visit the friendly staff here at: 601 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CA, 90014 You can also visit the website at:  . Other helpful resources: Narcotics Anonymous  Alcoholics Anonymous I Am Sober

Day 20 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program: Exciting News!

Day 20 at the Midnight Mission: Exciting News! Today, Day 20 of my time here at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program I have accomplished a long time goal of mine. I am overcome with gratitude and thank the Gods and "Those Who Watch Over Me In Perfect Love and Perfect Trust" for the amazing services offered at the Midnight Mission of Los Angeles. The opportunities that have been given to me and that continue to unfold have been so overwhelmingly generous in more ways than one. There is something that is said at the recovery groups AA and NA (Alchoholics Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous) that I really didn't think too much abofut till now. They say that if you are at a meeting you are in the least, "Sane, Safe, and more than likely Sober." Just to have a space that offeres all three of these exoperiances is such a blessing, So much so I was able to stay clean, motivasted and inspired to continue forth in my personal growth. Today a huge landmark in tha

Day 19 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program: A Xmas Special!

Day 19 at the Midnight Mission: A Xmas Special! On Day 19 of my stay here at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program, I was able to experience a special treat. My dad, Mr. Bryan Meek, who has been my champion and my best supporter in this journey was able to come down and meet me on the corner of 6th and San Pedro next to the Midnight Mission facility. He came to see me which he called, "a gi ft in itself" , and for us to exchange Xmas gifts to each other.  My Dad gifted me a sweet HP laptop that I am writing on at this moment. Given my circumstance and lack of income due to my 90-day block out and not yet being placed on work-therapy, I leaned on some graphic design skills I have acquired from years of blogging and content creation. Using Canva (a graphic design program similar to photoshop) I was able to create a cool poster for my dad and for my sister as well. I will share those with you here: The above image I created for my dad as a Xmas gift. Here's some context on t

Day 18 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program

 Day 18 at the Midnight Mission If you are interested in the Midnight Mission Recovery Program or the services they offer here, you can check online or come visit and talk to the friendly staff here at: 601 San Pedro St. Los Angeles CA 90014 You can also visit the website here: The Midnight Mission Los Angeles

Day 12 at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program

 Day 12 at the Midnight Mission If you are interested in the services here at the Midnight Mission Recovery Program, you can find plenty of information online by googling, "The Midnight Mission Los Angeles". You can even stop by and talk to the friendly staff here at: 601 San Pedro, Los Angeles, CA, 90014 You can also click the following link: The Midnight Mission Los Angeles

Day 10 At the Midnight Mission Recovery Program

 Day 10 at the Midnight Mission If you are interested in recovery or the services they offer here at the Midnight Mission, you can visit the mission and talk to the friendly staff at: 601 San Pedro St., Los Angeles, CA, 90014 You can also visit the website by clicking here: The Midnight Mission Los Angeles